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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Embraced by the Light Review Part 2

Hello everyone! I concluded my last entry with excerpts from Embraced by the Light by Betty J. Eadie around page 67. I intend to pick up there with more inspirational quotes that help me with my day to day struggle with bipolar. Her near death experience has made a profound impact on my life. I hope you all enjoy!

"Even experiences such as divorce, sudden unemployment, or being victim of violence may ultimately give us knowledge and contribute to our spiritual development. Although these experiences are painful, they can help us grow." p. 69  I believe a diagnosis of bipolar fits right in here with the rest of the unfortunate experiences we go through here on Earth.

"In the spirit world they don't see sin as we do here, All experiences can be positive. All are learning experiences." p.70 "Despair is never justified, because it is never needed. We are here to learn, to experiment, to make mistakes. We don't need to judge ourselves harshly; we just need to take life one step at a time, not worrying about other people's judgement of us, nor measuring ourselves by their measuring sticks. We need to forgive ourselves and be grateful for the things that help us grow. Our most severe challenges will one day reveal themselves to be our greatest teachers." p.70-71

"When we "die," my guides said, we experience nothing more than a transition to another state. our spirits slip from the body and move to a spiritual realm. If our deaths are traumatic, the spirit quickly leaves the body, sometimes even before death occurs." p. 83

"At the time of death, we are given the choice to remain on this earth until our bodies are buried or to move on, as I did, to the level to which our spirit had grown. I understood that there are many levels of development, and we will always go to that level where we are most comfortable. Most spirits choose to remain on earth for a short time and comfort their loved ones; Sometimes the spirits will remain longer if the loved ones are in despair." p.83-84

"Some who die as atheists, or those who have bonded to the world through greed, bodily appetites, or other earthly commitments find it difficult to move on, and they become earth-bound. ... These spirits stay on the earth until they learn to accept the greater power around them and to let go of the world." p.84

"Of all knowledge, however, there is none more essential than knowing Jesus Christ. I was told that he is the door through which we will all return. He is the only door through which we can return. Whether we learn of Jesus Christ here or while in the spirit, we must eventually accept him and surrender to his love." p.85

"They looked upon life here as a school where they could learn many things and develop the attributes they lacked. I was told that we had all desired to come here, that we had actually chosen many of our weaknesses and difficult situations in our lives so that we could grow. I also understood that sometimes we are given weaknesses which would be for our good. The Lord also gives us gifts and talents according to his will." p.89-90

"I learned that all thoughts and experiences in our lives are recorded in our subconscious minds. They are also recorded in our cells. so that, not only is each cell imprinted with a genetic coding, it is also imprinted with every experience we have ever had. Further, i understood that these memories are passed down through the genetic coding to our children. Theses memories then account for many of the passed on traits in families, such as addictive tendencies, fears, strengths, and so on. I also learned that we do not have repeated lives on this earth; when we seem to "remember" a past life, we are actually recalling memories contained in the cells." p.93   I found this really interesting and intriguing.

"We were to be tested under challenging conditions to see how we would live the most important commandment of all - to love one another." p.97

"I also understood the importance of thanking God for the things we receive. Gratitude is an eternal virtue. In humility we must ask, and in gratitude we should receive. The more we thank God for the blessings we receive, the more we open the way for further blessings." p.107

"You needed the negative as well as the positive experiences on earth. before you can feel joy, you must know sorrow." p.114

"...the most important thing I could do in life was to love others as myself. But to love others as myself, I first had to really love myself." p.117

This text has helped me realize why "terrible" things such as a diagnosis of bipolar have purpose in our lives. We chose to come here to better ourselves through trials. I just need to focus on loving myself and others and being grateful for what I do have. All of which are easier said than done, but I think striving to live a life of love and gratitude is better than drowning in my miseries. I hope these passages have been uplifting. Happy Hump Day!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Embraced by the Light by Betty J. Eadie Review

Hello everyone! In my last blog I mentioned the text Embraced by the Light by Betty J. Eadie. I wanted to take some time to provide an overview and quotes from this book, as it has made a profound change in my outlook on this life and the next. I have read and reread this book over 5 times, adding notes as I went along. I no longer fear what waits for us after we die because Betty has provided the most complete near-death experience ever. She went into the hospital for a routine operation and in the early hours of one morning she passed from this life to the next. She explains her journey and her meeting with Jesus Christ. I am going to include several excerpts from the text along with some of my personal feelings. I've found they help give me strength while I deal with my bipolar and other perils in this life.

When she first passed Betty was greeted by men in robes enveloped in bright brilliant light. "They had been with me for "eternities," they said." "Eternity to me had always been in the future, but these beings said they had been with me for eternities in the past." "I saw that death was actually a "rebirth" into a greater life of understanding and knowledge that streaked forward and backward through time." p.31-32

She passed into a dark mass which turned into a tunnel where she felt other people and animals. She felt a sense of well being and calmness and sensed that some "didn't have the desire, or simply didn't know how to proceed. But there was no fear." "I had never felt greater tranquility in my life." p.38-39

As she emerged from the tunnel she came before Jesus, whose entire body was enveloped with golden light and halos. "And as our lights merged, I felt as if I had stepped into his countenance, and I felt an utter explosion of love. It was the most unconditional love I have ever felt, and as I saw his arms open to receive me I went to him and received his complete embrace and said over and over, "I'm home. I'm home. I'm finally home." p.41

She was told it was not yet her time. "My time would come when my mission, my purpose, my meaning in this life was accomplished." p.43

As she came up with questions they were all answered, however she hasn't been able to recall all of her experiences while in heaven. She believes that if she had been blessed with all those memories she simply would not have been able to successfully fulfill her life's journey, for she would always pine for what she had experienced.

"Why didn't God give us only one church, one pure religion? The answer came to me with the purest of understanding. Each of us, i was told, is at a different level of spiritual development and understanding. Each person is therefore prepared for a different level of spiritual knowledge. All religions upon the Earth are necessary because there are people who need what they teach. People in one religion may not have a complete understanding of the Lord's gospel and never will have while in that religion. But that religion is used as a stepping stone to further knowledge. Each church fulfills spiritual needs that perhaps others cannot fill. No one church can fulfill everybody's needs at every level. As an individual raises his level of understanding about God and his own eternal progress, he might feel discontented with the teachings of his present church and seek a different philosophy or religion to fill that void. When this occurs he has reached another level of understanding and will long for further truth and knowledge, and for another opportunity to grow." p.45-46

"In order to grasp this truth, we need to listen to the Spirit and let go of our egos." p.46

When Betty asked why anyone would want to leave this wonderful paradise and go to Earth, in answer she actually remembered the creation of the Earth. "I actually experienced it as if it were being reenacted before my eyes. This was important. Jesus wanted me to internalize this knowledge. All people as spirits in the pre-mortal world took part in the creation of the Earth. We were thrilled to be part of it. We were with God, and we knew that hew created us, that we were his very own children. He was pleased with our development and was filled with absolute love for each one of us. Also, Jesus Christ was there. I understood, to my surprise, that Jesus was a separate being from God , with His own divine purpose, and I knew that God was out mutual Father. ...the Father explained that coming to Earth for a time would further our spiritual growth. Each spirit who has come to Earth assisted in planning the conditions on earth, including the laws of mortality which would govern us. These included the laws of physics as we know them, the limitations of our bodies, and spiritual powers that we would be able to access. We assisted God in the development of plants and animal life that would be here. Everything was created of spirit matter before it was created physically. ...I was told by the Savior that the spirit creation could be compared to one of our photographic prints; the spirit creation would be like a sharp, brilliant print and the Earth would be like its dark negative. This Earth is only a shadow of the beauty and glory of the spirit creation, but it is what we needed for our growth." p.47-48

"I saw that in the pre-mortal world we knew about and even chose our missions in life. I understood that our stations in life are based upon the objectives of those missions. Through divine knowledge we knew what many of our tests and experiences would be, and we prepared accordingly. We bonded with others-family members and friends-to help us complete our missions. ...We were given agency to act for ourselves here. Our own actions determine the course of our lives, and we can alter or redirect our lives at any time. I understood that this was crucial; God made the promise that he wouldn't intervene in our lives unless we asked Him." p.49

"I was gratified to see that the Earth is only a temporary place for our schooling and that sin is not our true nature. ...Although our spirit bodies are full of light, truth, and love, they must battle constantly to overcome the flesh, and this strengthens them. ...Whatever we become here in mortality is meaningless unless it is done for the benefit of others. Our gifts and talents are given to us to help us serve. And in serving others we grow spiritually." p.49-50

"Above all, I was shown that love is supreme." p.51

This next passage seems to refer to quantum physics, which falls in line with the book The Secret and the documentary What the Bleep Do We Know? "Within our universe are both positive and negative energies, and both types of energy are essential to creation and growth. These energies have intelligence-they do our will. They are willing servants. God has absolute power over both energies. Positive energy is basically just what we would think it is: light, goodness, kindness, love, patience, charity, hope and so on. And negative energy is just what we would think it is: darkness, hatred, fear (Satan's greatest tool), unkindness, intolerance, selfishness, despair, discouragement, and so on. Positive and negative energies work in opposition to each other. And when we internalize these energies, they become our servants. Positive attracts positive, and negative attracts negative. ... Simply by thinking positive thoughts and speaking positive words we attract positive energy. I saw that this is the case. I saw different energies around different people. I saw how a person's words can actually affect the energy field around them. The very words themselves-the vibrations in the air-attract one type of energy or another. A person's desires have a similar effect. There is power in our thoughts. We create our own surroundings by the thoughts we think. Physically, this may take a period of time, but spiritually it is instantaneous." p57-58.

"Love is supreme. Love must govern. ...First, we must love the Creator. ...Then we must love ourselves. ...Then, we must love all others as ourselves." p.59-60

"...fear is the opposite of love and is Satan's greatest tool. Since I feared God, I could not truly love him, and in not loving Him, I couldn't love myself or others purely either." p.61

I'm going to end with the knowledge Betty gained about illness because for me, it helps me understand why I have bipolar.  "To my surprise I saw that most of us has selected the illnesses we would suffer, and for some, the illness that would end our lives. Sometimes healing does not come immediately, or at all, because of our need for growth. All experience is for our own good, and sometimes it takes what we would consider negative experience to help develop our spirits. We were very willing, even anxious, as spirits to accept all of our ailments, illness, and accidents here to help better ourselves spiritually. I understood that in the spirit world our Earth time is meaningless. The pain we experience on Earth is just a moment, just a split second of consciousness in the spirit world, and we are very willing to endure it." p.67

In the future I will continue citing this text until I cover it in its entirety(147pages), but I'm getting a backache sitting in front of the computer, lol.

I hope Betty's experiences can help you as they've helped me deal with the life I was given, bipolar and all. Here's a link to Betty's website:  Stayed tuned next week for my conclusion of her book.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

We Don't Die - George Anderson's Conversations With The Other Side

Hello everyone! I hope I'm finding everyone in good spirits! Today I'm going to write about a wonderful book my best friend picked up for me at a used book sale. It's titled We Don't Die - George Anderson's Conversations With The Other Side by Joel Martin & Patricia Romanowski. This was a National Bestseller written in 1988. I'm currently about half way through the book and I really want to share it with you all. The authors chronicle Anderson's life and experiences. He is a physic medium who has been scientifically tested to be 80-95% accurate. He started as a bashful and tortured young man who flourished with the help of a radio DJ, Joel Martin.

For over 12 years Joel documented evidence of Anderson's powers. Joel helped George begin to test his abilities, first through personal readings, then radio, and eventually television spots. He receives messages from those who have passed on. They come to him in a variety of ways. They often show themselves or use symbols George is familiar with to help him communicate. He also experiences sympathetic pains that help point to how the deceased have passed over. There are numerous examples chronicled throughout this book.

George's message is one of hope, we don't die when our physical bodies expire! Those spirits who he communicates have explained to him that everything has a purpose. Everything we go through here helps us fulfill our  missions on Earth. He also explains that our beloved pets will greet us on the other side as well as our loved ones who have passed. These messages seems to line up with another of my favorite texts by Betty Eadie, who has had one of the most detailed near death experiences ever documented, Embraced by the Light. Look forward to a full detailed blog on this book in the coming days!

How exciting it is to realize there is much more to this life than appears! Energy is never created nor destroyed and we ourselves when broken down into our smallest components are made of energy. When we pass from this life into the next our spirits or energy continue on. We continue to learn and grow on our never ending spiritual journey. How exciting to realize that even the deepest and darkest things we've experienced due to mental illness all have a purpose! I've been through my own hell here on Earth and I have to believe that I've grown. I know I'm definitely a stronger person. George also has a positive message for those who have passed from suicide.

My education in the Baptist church taught me that suicides go directly to Hell, this is however not the case according to George. It is often more difficult for those who have committed suicide to crossover, but they can. Their spirits often linger here because they cannot forgive themselves. George says that's why, no matter your beliefs, you should pray for those who have passed on to encourage them to move forward and grow and learn and heal their emotional scars.

Here's a link to purchase We Don't Die I encourage you to get it used to save a few bucks.

Also, here's a handy website that discusses Anderson's understanding of life beyond the grave: Near Death

Please take a moment to comment and follow! Have a wonderful Hump Day! Woot Woot!