Hello everyone! I concluded my last entry with excerpts from Embraced by the Light by Betty J. Eadie around page 67. I intend to pick up there with more inspirational quotes that help me with my day to day struggle with bipolar. Her near death experience has made a profound impact on my life. I hope you all enjoy!
"Even experiences such as divorce, sudden unemployment, or being victim of violence may ultimately give us knowledge and contribute to our spiritual development. Although these experiences are painful, they can help us grow." p. 69 I believe a diagnosis of bipolar fits right in here with the rest of the unfortunate experiences we go through here on Earth.
"In the spirit world they don't see sin as we do here, All experiences can be positive. All are learning experiences." p.70 "Despair is never justified, because it is never needed. We are here to learn, to experiment, to make mistakes. We don't need to judge ourselves harshly; we just need to take life one step at a time, not worrying about other people's judgement of us, nor measuring ourselves by their measuring sticks. We need to forgive ourselves and be grateful for the things that help us grow. Our most severe challenges will one day reveal themselves to be our greatest teachers." p.70-71
"When we "die," my guides said, we experience nothing more than a transition to another state. our spirits slip from the body and move to a spiritual realm. If our deaths are traumatic, the spirit quickly leaves the body, sometimes even before death occurs." p. 83
"At the time of death, we are given the choice to remain on this earth until our bodies are buried or to move on, as I did, to the level to which our spirit had grown. I understood that there are many levels of development, and we will always go to that level where we are most comfortable. Most spirits choose to remain on earth for a short time and comfort their loved ones; Sometimes the spirits will remain longer if the loved ones are in despair." p.83-84
"Some who die as atheists, or those who have bonded to the world through greed, bodily appetites, or other earthly commitments find it difficult to move on, and they become earth-bound. ... These spirits stay on the earth until they learn to accept the greater power around them and to let go of the world." p.84
"Of all knowledge, however, there is none more essential than knowing Jesus Christ. I was told that he is the door through which we will all return. He is the only door through which we can return. Whether we learn of Jesus Christ here or while in the spirit, we must eventually accept him and surrender to his love." p.85
"They looked upon life here as a school where they could learn many things and develop the attributes they lacked. I was told that we had all desired to come here, that we had actually chosen many of our weaknesses and difficult situations in our lives so that we could grow. I also understood that sometimes we are given weaknesses which would be for our good. The Lord also gives us gifts and talents according to his will." p.89-90
"I learned that all thoughts and experiences in our lives are recorded in our subconscious minds. They are also recorded in our cells. so that, not only is each cell imprinted with a genetic coding, it is also imprinted with every experience we have ever had. Further, i understood that these memories are passed down through the genetic coding to our children. Theses memories then account for many of the passed on traits in families, such as addictive tendencies, fears, strengths, and so on. I also learned that we do not have repeated lives on this earth; when we seem to "remember" a past life, we are actually recalling memories contained in the cells." p.93 I found this really interesting and intriguing.
"We were to be tested under challenging conditions to see how we would live the most important commandment of all - to love one another." p.97
"I also understood the importance of thanking God for the things we receive. Gratitude is an eternal virtue. In humility we must ask, and in gratitude we should receive. The more we thank God for the blessings we receive, the more we open the way for further blessings." p.107
"You needed the negative as well as the positive experiences on earth. before you can feel joy, you must know sorrow." p.114
"...the most important thing I could do in life was to love others as myself. But to love others as myself, I first had to really love myself." p.117
This text has helped me realize why "terrible" things such as a diagnosis of bipolar have purpose in our lives. We chose to come here to better ourselves through trials. I just need to focus on loving myself and others and being grateful for what I do have. All of which are easier said than done, but I think striving to live a life of love and gratitude is better than drowning in my miseries. I hope these passages have been uplifting. Happy Hump Day!
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