Two days ago on June 10, 2013 Sony released price and images for the PlayStation 4 next-generation console. Apparently it's going to be $399 out the door with 140 games in development. I only have the PS2 with a few choice games like Champions of Norrath and Simpsons' Road Rage. I grew up on the original Nintendo and have always loved video games. There used to be a Family Video within walking distance of my parents' house and I used to rent games all the time.
Just as a book can take you away into another world, so can a video game. A game can also help you work through emotions you may be having. When I'm angry or upset, killing some bad guys in a video game feels great. I'm hoping the price of PS3s will drop with this new release because there is a game, Grand Theft Auto IV, which really helps me relax and get frustrations out when I use the available cheat codes. You can unlock all sorts of vehicles to out run cops as well as unlimited ammo and weapons. Running through a park and blasting someone with a baseball bat sometimes feels good. Especially when there is no way you could get away with that shit in real life.
There have been studies done which link depression to video gaming, however I think you could say the same of television or any digital media. This study showed that women use video games more often for mood management than men. I'd have to agree with that one.
Everyday Health suggests monitoring your video game usage so you are not spending exorbitant amounts of time playing. Often staying up late playing games will disrupt sleep patterns, which are key to managing mood swings. My sleeping patterns vary, but I know I need at least 8 hours of sleep if I want to function the next day and not be ornery. Having a basic schedule of activities helps keep my stress levels down. I know what is expected.
So next time you're down in the dumps or really pissed off, try a video game to get your mind off of it. Escape into a video game.
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